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The Importance of Good Writing

§ June 1st, 2010 § Filed under communication, training, writing § Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , § No Comments

Times are tough.  Businesses find it more difficult to stay profitable and layoffs are common. Let’s face it. The economic situation provides employers with an opportunity to let go of people who do not have the skills needed to keep the company competitive.  As an employee, you need to increase your abilities to be safe from layoffs.  Increased competence will also provide more opportunities to be hired and promoted into jobs that pay well, even in these difficult economic times. The better your skills, the better the odds are that you will be able to ride through these economically difficult months.

One of the most important skills any employee can have is the ability to communicate clearly.

If you cannot write well, you reduce your chances of getting hired.  According to a recent survey of businesses, 80% of companies in industries with the highest growth potential use writing skills as a measure for hiring.  86% of companies reject applicants who have poorly written application materials.*

Good writing skills are important after you get hired as well. Over 50% of these same companies assess writing when promoting employees.* You may not even realize how limited your chances at promotion are.  If you find that you have been passed over for advancement, your grammar, spelling, and sentence structure skills may be holding you back. The ability to write is necessary in the vast majority of salaried jobs and many hourly positions as well.

In this same survey, business owners expressed how important writing skills are. *

“My view is that good writing is a sign of good thinking. Writing that is persuasive, logical, and orderly is impressive. Writing that’s not careful can be a signal of unclear thinking.”

“…writing appears to be a “marker” attribute of high-skill, high-wage, professional work. This is particularly true in sectors of the economy that are expanding, such as services, and the finance, insurance, and real estate sectors.”

” writing is also a “gatekeeper.” The equity dimensions of the writing challenge are substantial. People who cannot write in the United States can clearly find employment. The findings of this survey, however, indicate that opportunities for salaried employment are limited for employees unable to communicate clearly.”

Statistics and quotations from Writing: A Ticket to Work…Or a Ticket Out, a report of The National Commission on Writing © 2004 by College Entrance Examination Board.  See for the full report.

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